February Update
So far this winter, Mother Nature has created many challenges. We’ve endured record cold temperatures, high winds, and a supernova moon causing a very high tide surge. We continue to closely monitor eachstorm and post updates on our Facebook page, along with pictures, as well as information of severe ice damage which enables residents to evaluate the needs to check their own homes and docks.
Please keep informed of all that we at Save Popponesset Bay are doing by joining our email list, which you may do by sending an email to info@savepopponessetbay.org. Also please visit our Facebook page https://facebook.com/SavePopponessetBay/ and Like and Follow us. We invite you to also post updates and your favorite photos our “happy place!”
The SPB Board held its annual planning meeting on January 16th to review our performance, reassess our needs and refine our goals for 2018 and beyond. Over the past five years our scope has expanded dramatically, beginning with the Spit restoration, the management of the channel expansion planning and managing regulations on Spit maintenance and security. Did you know that the Board meets every week throughout the year to manage the work needed to protect, restore and enhance the Spit and the Bay? We are the stewards to the Bay and the Spit, a wildlife preserve we share with endangered species, and want to keep our fragile ecosystem sustainable for years to come.
The SPB Board is a 100% volunteer-operated organization and includes the following members from multiple neighborhoods: John Malloy and Bob Hughes (Popponesset), Mike Oleksak and Eric Peterson (Bright Coves), Margie Ross Decter and Mike Moskowitz (Popponesset Island) and we welcome our newest Board Member, Kathy Cramer (Bright Coves). We are always looking for volunteer help and would welcome your expertise. Any amount of help would be appreciated. We are looking for volunteers to assist in the areas of:
- Environmental sustainability
- Spit Protection
- Project Management
- Event Planning
- Community Building.
Last year our operating budget was $85,000 and our goal for capital improvements to stabilize the Spit as a barrier beach, enhance navigation channels, and restore endangered species habitat for the enjoyment of all exceeds $2 million. We rely 100% on donations and can’t do this without your help. We are so grateful for your past support and hope that we can count on you donate annually. We encourage everyone to join us and become annual donors, as this is our community and our responsibility to preserve and restore the Spit and Bay. Please make your tax-deductible gift today (we are a 501c3) by going to www.SavePopponessetBay.org.
Save the Date for our Summer Kickoff Event that will be held on Thursday July 5, 2018!
Thank you in advance for your support in 2018.