Storm Update
Hello Neighbors,
We are writing with an update on the Spit post two significant Nor’easters and a third storm on the way. We apologize for the delay in communicating but we feel it is important we do a thorough evaluation post storms to provide our supporters with an accurate assessment. In this case, our assessment involved getting our consultant the Woods Hole Group on site and surveying the spit during high and low tide. This update will provide details on the following areas;
- The current state of the Spit
- Dune Damage and current risk
- Limited time to do repairs
- Our plan and how you can help
Current State
Thanks to the incredible support of our community, the SPB owned portion of the Spit did not breach or wash over! This is a huge accomplishment from where we were just 3 years ago. We are making great progress. Audubon land did over-wash significantly. Both properties need repair.
Dune Damage.
Our central spine dune was damaged. The dune suffered some significant scalloping from wave action. (See image 1) Most notably the section immediately in front of the tip of Popponesset Island extending 100 yards to the east (Cotuit) and the last 200 yards of SPB land. (see image 2) These specific sections of dune are very important as they enable the channel to remain passable, protect the bay, shellfish area, bird nesting grounds and real estate values for the entire area. The dune needs to be repaired asap prior to hurricane season. As a reminder when the dune takes a blow the sand from the dune builds up the beach in front of the dune. The beach helps absorb wave action, thus protecting the dune. In a perfect world, we would have a large dune and a large beach, it just takes money.
All work must be completed prior to April 1 due to bird nesting.
Our plan.
We have contracted to truck in 5,000 cubic yards of sand to rebuild the dunes. Work begins this week. The County Dredge is also in place and we expect another 6,000 cubic yards from dredging the outer channel that will help restore the beach. We could use a lot more sand.
Our ask. PLEASE advance your 2018 contribution today
to fund the repair work. We can do more work now but have limited funds and only 2 weeks to do the work. Please donate or make a pledge today! All money raised will increase the amount of sand we put on the spit.
We are grateful for your financial support to date for our dune restoration project as it could have been far worse.

Dune at the end of Popponesset Island

Dune across from family shellfish area

New dredge – currently anchored in Poppy Bay