A Severe But Solvable Nitrogen Problem
Popponesset Bay has a severe but solvable nitrogen problem in our waters that has already killed the eel grass and wildlife that are critical to our natural ecosystem. 75+% of the nitrogen comes from our septic systems. Water treatment facilities can lower the nitrogen from 40 to 3 mg/l. But the majority of our wastewater is currently NOT treated for nitrogen.
The first phase of the nitrogen management plan developed The Town of Mashpee calls for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. The $2.4 million debt override for the planning for the plant is being put to the Mashpee Voters this month. We are asking for your support.
If you are a Mashpee voter, please consider voting TWO times to fund the planning for the wastewater treatment plant:
Vote for Question 7 at the Town Meeting on Monday June 15 (in person) For safety precautions, click here: https://www.facebook.com/n/?groups%2Fmashpeecleanwaters%2Fpermalink%2F3049005275190064%2F
Vote for Question 1 on the Town Election ballot on Tuesday June 23 (in person or by mail)
Ballots for the Town Election can be requested from the Town Clerk https://www.mashpeema.gov/home/news/june-23-2020-annual-town-election-quashnet-school-7-am-until-8-pm
For more information, check out our resources:
Join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/mashpeecleanwaters
Follow us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEg6mYPOQiyVrmcHVhjW3kg
Visit our in-depth information center https://sivadweb.com/savepop/what-we-do/water-quality/